Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Final Destination !

I love this movie like hell and I'm so eagered to watch it , seriously . I've seen every single trailer of it and it never gets old to me . I've seen the first , second and third one . They were all awesome . But when i heard that the fourth and the final one is comming out in 3D , i was so excited and had a feeling this would be a great hit . Havent you guys seen the pictures and all . I just really wanna watch it although its kinda gross and gory . The visions are all , very nice and high budget . Oh well , its comming out this 3rd September , but unfortunately , i cant even watch it cause i have UPSR the following week . talking about UPSR , hopefully i'm well prepared , and yes i do feel a bit confident in getting that straight A's . * Giggle *

Additional information , updates . My mom who's expecting is giving birth soon . The soon that I'm saying , is very soon . Its next week , said the doctor . I bet my sister Nadine is so relieved that baby Rafael wont be comming out on the same day as her . Ehm Ehm , she doesnt wanna share the same birth date , lol . so let me see , said the doctor , " This baby will be comming out in the range of 1st Sept to 7th . Definitely not before September though " well , thats all just estimation , but lets not make a fool of it , cause it may be right . I'm excited , but mom's kinda in fear . well i understand thoroughly . I mean she's pregnant again after 12 years , i mean thats so long . so yes , she may be scared . Cheers to Rafael ! :D

1 comment:

  1. congrats ... even though rafael's not even out yet but i'm so excited for u guys :) cheers to rafael :)
